>From:    Entropia <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Angora ferrets
We all enjoyed you too Emma.
>Angora ferrets.  Does anyone have any information about them?
Sure, watdyawannaknow?
European ferrets in general have not been bred to be pets as long as they
have in the US.  Angoras are about the same as the other Swedish ferrets
and the English ferrets.
No private breeders in the US yet.
>I've also heard that one of the reasons they are "uncommon" over here is
>because the jills rarely care for a litter once it has been born, and
>that the use of a "foster mum" is necessary to raise them - again, is
>this true?
You actually seem to know quite a bit about them.  Thats the story we hear
from breeders in Denmark and Sweden.
bill and diane
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
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[Posted in FML issue 2868]