Well, let's see.  Gracie and George are starting to settle in after a few
weeks, yesterday started staying in the same cage as Wikket and all has
gone well there.  HOWEVER, Wikket still likes to play rough outside the
cage.  Gracie and sometimes George will squawk once in a while when Wikket
pounces, but usually pounces right back, or runs a few steps away and tries
to nip back.  No blood yet, and they all three will rough house together,
sometimes taking turns ganging up on each other.  No one so far has tried
to hide when they run, usually taking a stand a little ways off from the
instigator, and usually they all dook, so do I need to worry about my bully
boy hurting the others, or is it all in a days play?
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[Posted in FML issue 2868]