Howdy FMLers! Just a few quick responses.
Dry blood spots: Tavi and Jasper have these skin cysts also.  I had 3
removed from her head a while back because they seemed to be hurting her
(FrankenFerret was her nickname then).  Our vet said not to worry about
them unless they are causing discomfort.  They grow, burst and sometimes
return in the same spot.  I have noticed that my two sables haven't had
this problem yet and it gets me wondering if the cysts occur more often
in silvermitts and blazes.  Anyone else notice this?
Fert smells: I too love the way my guys smell but it freaks me out
sometimes.  I was at work one day and noticed I kept smelling ferrets.
I knew none of them hitched a ride with me but I kept getting wiffs of
them.  I realized later that it was a rainy day (I am a dork) and I had
on my "rainy day" tennis shoes that I let the ferrets play in.  I guess
the heat from my feet turned them into a moving potpourri.
Fert figurines: I have a Sandcast life-size ferret and a smaller 2 inch one
that I bought at Hallmark.  They have a catalog that has about 8 (I think
all were of sable ferrets but I don't recall exactly) different ones but
you have to bug the owner/manager to special order them.  Find out when
they place the orders and go remind them the day before or that day.  The
babies didn't know what to make of the life-size sable I got.
Now for my own post topic...
Do anyone else's ferrets love makeup/cleansers etc.?  I sell the pink brand
and Tavi just loves to climb in the drawers I store the products in and
steal the facial masks.  Maybe it's just the female part of her that likes
to play grown up or she's looking for a product to remove the blackheads on
her tail!  Pharaoh is a kisser by nature but seems to enjoy it more when I
have a made up face.  Neither of them have become sick from these habits
since I am ALWAYS listening for the rumbling in the drawer and stop Pharaoh
from being my makeup remover.  The products are non-toxic anyway but I
can't be too careful.
Dooks to all!
Laura-Tavi, Booger, Jasper, Pharaoh and Vex
[Posted in FML issue 2822]