Not to necessarily slight (because I didn't order from them and
don't know the details) but I'm not surprised about people having problems
getting the TF they ordered.  I've read on several lists now that many of
those who ordered are having the same kind of trouble.
When I saw they were having a huge sale, I emailed The Ferret Store just
to see if they were aware of what was doing and I got a very nice
letter back explaining that they were aware, and were a bit concerned
because they had test ordered things from and had found that they
were very slow to ship and to deliver the products that people order from
Sadly it seems to prove the adage that if "something looks too good to be
true, it usually is."
I hope everyone who ordered from get what they ordered eventually
and don't have to deal with too many hassles and remember that The Ferret
Store sells TF at the lowest possible price every day and can ship to you
within 24 hours in most cases.
(note..I don't work for The Ferret Store, they're just my heroes..)
Robynn and the Four Ferrets of the Apocalypse
[Posted in FML issue 2836]