>From:    Judy Gronwold <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Chicago Show - replies to Lisette, Ron, Zen, etc.
>I brought some of the comments I had up here instead of privately
>because I felt there were others that may have the same questions.
No problem.  I can only give general answers not specific ones because
it's here not off line.  We judges will specifically not discuss people's
ferrets with other people.
Judge's are individuals and stewards are another factor.  We judges can end
up turning into little motor mouths while judgin - I know I do.  We can not
completly control the steewards because they are often volunteers with NO
benefits.  Some stewards choose what they think is important to say even if
its not what the judge would have chosen of all the things said.  I might
have said "nice girl with excellent muscle mass but just a little pudge on
the belly", the steward could have chosen to write "nice girl", "good
muscle" (to write a shoter easier to spell word), and/or "pudgy".  So the
score sheet or the ferret his or herself might be needed to really
understand the comments.  If I gave a high score in the muscle tone
category despite a "pudgy" comment it is different than if I gave a low
score.  Its unfortunate but things sren't perfect.  I have had some
stewards that were pretty bad and others that were a Godsend (of course any
of you reading this that have been a steward for me are in the latter
category <g>)
I'm not upset with you, even about that other thing - there were some
simple misunderstandings but the route you went means Sally will have to
respond 'officially'.  I'll talk to you in private if you want on that as
well.  I really will be able to put you more at ease I think.
There is an AFA policy that judges may not say bad things about other
judges in public (or even aywhere outside of the judge's only meetings) and
I don't think thats a bad idea.  I do disagree with other judges.  And they
with me.  But all in all in the years I've been involved with shows the AFA
judges are getting much better.  (I don't go to many LIFE or GLFA shows so
no slight intended, I just have no basis to talk about their progress.)
>I couldn't stay once I knew Russian wasn't going to be in the running
>for Best of Show.
Russian was one of only two alter ferrets to be pinned in all three rings.
Pretty good!  Second best alter.
>The fairgrounds charges a LOT if we are there after 6:00 p.m.  A
>substantial amount of money.
I don't think the AFA really understands that though I do.  There are
solutions.  But they need to be discussed and found off of the FML.
>Overall, I think it always turns out to be a pretty good show.  I have
>fun (although I get stressed, too)
That very short ending time puts stress on everybody.  I did what I
thought I could to fix the problems once I saw them.
But emphatically yes, despite a few problems it was a pretty good show.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
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[Posted in FML issue 2836]