Well, I certainly enjoyed the show!  We adopted out 6 ferrets and talked
to some people who adopted ferrets from us last year.  Met some of the FML
people and had a chance to briefly visit with Bill & Diane.  However, the
sound system is still bad.  It was bad last year, and just as bad this
year.  Part of the problem seemed to be individual voices, as whoever was
announcing the ferret numbers to be judged could be clearly understood but
the person who announced the winning raffle tickets could not (and won't I
have a red face if it turns out to be the same person!).
I have to disagree with Bill's comment about the judges wearing "casual
business" attire, because in my opinion only one of the three judges seemed
to be thusly attired (but again, "casual business" is in the eye of the
beholder).  I like the idea of having the people running the show (and
possibly the judges) wearing polo shirts that clearly identify them as
such.  This would facilitate finding them if you have a problem that needed
to be resolved.  The organization that had the table next to ours had only
one table, and they had a display rack for additional stuff.  Fine, except
that their display rack blocked our tables.  And then the people on the
other side wanted to block the aisle on that side and we had to say no.  I
understand if clubs/shelters cannot afford or do not want more than one
table, but please try not to infringe on other people's space.
Perhaps if it is not financially prohibitive, the Greater Chicago Ferret
Assn. should consider renting the hall for a longer time.  There were a
lot of people who got there late and were still exploring at 5 pm when it
was supposed to close.  I think perhaps all the vendors lost some last
minute business.  And on the time constraints note, we really don't
appreciate being harassed about getting out on time.
All in all, it was a good show and we enjoyed it.  Lots of cute ferrets,
lots of cute ferret stuff, and a really neat quilt (even though I didn't
win it).  Hope to see you all there next year!
Kurt & Sara Petersen
FURRY (Ferrets Underfoot RUnning Round You)
Help raise money for the shelter!  Click on
[Posted in FML issue 2834]