Hello everyone.  It's been a long time since I inflicted er, shared my
ideas with everyone.  I just have to into the rough waters here, though,
and interject my views on this particular issue.  (Be kind to me people.
I don't swim............)
I've been following the "discussion" regarding "Krinkles" (Mr. Luis Batiz)
alternative treatment for adrenal disease.  No, since I am behind on my
FML's I did not see Mr. Batiz' original post.  But, I have had the pleasure
of speaking with him for a decent amount of time on the telephone.  I think
the man is on to something here, folks.
I understand about people being afraid of unstudied compounds or
undocumented testing.  Of course they are.  Who wouldn't be?  But, Mr.
Batiz has offered to speak to anyone's vet regarding what is in his
treatment.  (It's all vitamins and naturally occurring components based
in a natural diet, if I understand correctly.) He is earnestly looking for
a way to HELP ferrets, their owners, and the ferret community at large.
Not to fleece everyone.
From speaking to him on the phone, I have formed my own opinions.  One,
that the man is an obviously intelligent, caring individual.  And two, that
he "knows his stuff" when it comes to nutrition.  (He has a degree in
Clinical Nutrition and a pre-Med background.  The pharmacological aspect of
medicine turned him off, so that is why he didn't go through with medical
school.  Please correct me if I'm wrong, Luis......)
The biggest block to communication seems to be the fact that the man CANNOT
TYPE!  Communicating via e-mail is very difficult for him.  That is why he
would like to talk to people "person to person." (I certainly would not
like to have to enter my verbage one finger at a time.  I would be here
until I was 50.......)
At least give the gentleman a listen, folks.  It sounds like he might be
onto something.
Catherine, Pato, Snowball, Hubert, and Elsie
"Behind The Zion Curtain"
[Posted in FML issue 2834]