I have crickets in my house.  I guess for whatever reason, they have come
to live with us.  My ferrets don't mind because they are amused by the
crickets.  They will chase & play with the crickets.  I do have a problem
thought...Our little guyu Gunther has a habbit of finding them and chewing
on them!  ICK!!!  That's really gross, but as hard as I've tried I can't
get the crickets to leave.  Any way, I have a concern...Are Crickets
toxic if ingested by a ferret?  When we see that Gunther has a cricket, we
immediately remove it from Gunther's mouth.  I just wonder if anybody out
there in FERRET-LAND has any familiar experience and know of any harm it
can do other than a possible digestion problem.  I realize that Gunther's
body wont digest any of the cricket and realize it is not very healthy for
him, SO PLEASE, NO FLAMES.  We do the very best we can to prevent him from
eating crickets, but we are also EXTREMELY concerned about the potential
hazzard that arise from exterminators chemicals and therefore are reluctant
to go that route.
[Posted in FML issue 2832]