I would like to take the time to thank everyone that responded to my call
for help.  Believe me when I say that they were to numerous to mention by
name!  The Duck Soup I made has been a great help to Merlyn, and we are
looking forward to many feedings to come!  He loved it!!  He even took a
few minutes of his rest time to hide his house slipper (favorite toy) in
a different location...and tried to steal the t.v. remote at the same
time!!!  We had a small battle over it and then he went to rest.
I regret to say that my funds are limited right now and being new in my
area has me without a vet.  But I promise to find one soon!!  The cost of
divorce and the move has left me at the mercy of my bill collectors, so I
am doing what I can!
A special thanks to Sonya, Bob Church, MJO and the Zoo and Rebecca
McFarlane for all of the good info and recipes.  All have been so helpful.
It makes me proud to be on the FML!!
Debbie and Merlyn, and the girls too!!!
[Posted in FML issue 2832]