Special thoughts and prayers to all the little sick and lost ones
everywhere.  As you might remember I had wrote and asked for advise on
the best treatment for lymphoma as my Taz has been diagnose with it.
Everyone's advise and recommendation was greatly appreciated and hopefully
I didn't leave anyone out in trying to personally email everyone.  Well,
she is eating (mushed up TF), pooping and playing really well.  When
exploratory was done (Aug 31, 1999) they had removed a very enlarged left
adrenal but she never really displayed the hair loss associated with
adrenals.  Now she losing the hair around the base of the tail and the
rest of her hair is thinning.  Is this a delayed reaction since she never
had the loss in the beginning?  Any thoughts on this are very greatly
Jackie    Peanut & Taz (am I going bald mom?)
[Posted in FML issue 2832]