I don't post very often on the FML, but this is one time I had to say my
mind.  I have been watching and listening carefully since the shelter
closing early in the week and not only am I totally disgusted, but I am
very confused.  I thought Shelters and all of us were out for the good of
the ferrets, but after this week, I don't know anymore.
I see all the posts for and from Kista Ferret, how they are overwhelmed and
need help with amount of ferrets they have, and yet they refused help from
Ferret Hollow, formerly Kista Ferret, north, WHY?
Ferret Hollow was ready and willing to do their part, they fostered their
healthy ferrets to make room, sent for extra vaccine, food, ect.  and yet
they did't get any ferrets.
I have been to Ferret Hollow and I know the love and devotion they put into
running their shelter, with little or no financial help.  Let's face it,
you have to give 100% to make it work and they do.
Since the beginning of the week when the e-mails started flying around
about Kista Ferrets name being left out( the post was on FML about the
shelter closing in NJ and Ferret Hollows name was posted and not Kista
Ferrets) what is the difference, all donations would have gone to any
shelter involved with the rescue.
Please let's get back on track here people, after all it is the ferrets
we are supposed to be thinking of, not ourselves.
Carolyn Kingeter
[Posted in FML issue 2830]