Chapter 13 - So, You Want To Be A Hero?
Christofert looked expectantly at Dante.  He knew he would need help,
and Dante would tell him who to talk too.
"The pathway to China is very far, and unless you can fly, I don't think
you will be able to get there by yourself.  I think I know just the
creature to help you.  She is a fairy, and she can fly very far and very
fast.  The problem is, she is a prisoner.  The demons have her locked up
just a couple of days journey from here.  If you could free her, then I
suspect she would be willing to help you in turn.  I'll take you to the
right tunnel, and set you on the right path.
"Now there are many dangers between here and the prison.  First of all,
do not touch or drink water from ANY rivers that you pass.  They all
have some sort of magical property, none of which are any good.  Do not
eat nor drink anything that you find in Hell either.  To do so, will
curse you to remain here until you die.  Then your soul will be trapped
in Hell.  I think I can help you get safe food and water though.
"Hades is the space around us.  As new souls move in, Hades needs to
expand.  Many lost souls are employed in digging new chambers, tunnels
and pits.  As the space becomes available, a demon 'blesses' each area
and only then does it become a part of Hell.  So theoretically you could
dig a hole in the ground and you would no longer be in hell.  At least
not until a demon walks by and adds it.  Now under ground you can find
all sorts of insects, mice and water sources.  Just dig a hole, and any
food or water that you find should be safe, although perhaps not very
appetizing.  The best places for you to dig will be around the base of
the few scraggly plants that are growing here.  They have established
themselves where water exists, and where there is water there is life.
"Now lets start walking, and I'll get you off in the right direction."
The pair began walking down one of the multitude of tunnels that branched
out from the chamber.  While they were walking, Dante told Christofert the
best passages to take.  He told Christofert of a river that he would have
to cross, and repeated the warning about touching the water.  He described
the prison area of Hell.  Soon they reached another crossroads and Dante
pointed down one of the passages.
"I can't take you any further.  From here on, you will start seeing the
souls of the dead.  I will pass word around among the dead.  They will
know to watch out for you, and when possible they will try to help you.
Avoid the demons as much as possible.  You will recognize them easily.
They take all different forms, but their eyes are always glowing-red.  In
addition, they are usually making the afterlife hard on the souls of the
"Good luck, and remember that you may find help in the strangest of
"Thank you Mr. Dante" replied Christofert, then he turned and scampered
off down the indicated tunnel.
(to be continued)
            Bryan P. Coffey - Boston, MA
      Weasel Warriors - Albi, Esef, Merri, and Mint
[Posted in FML issue 2829]