>From:    Ronnie DiComo <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: FYI
You didn't mention ferrets in relation to P&G but could have.
>For any ferret lovers who feed their fuzzies Iams Kitten, but would prefer
>not to support companies that do cosmetic testing on animals, please know
>that Iams has just been bought by Procter and Gamble:
I'm confused.  Iams as a maker of pet foods did not do cosmetic testing on
animals.  Proctor and Gamble is one of the more advanced companies in
reducing animal testing with in the limits of the law.  Whats the change?
Or did the HS/US goof again?
some quotes from ...
| Dr. Kathy Stitzel, AD of Product Safety, receives the prestigious 1999
| Russell & Burch Award from the Human Society of the US for advancing
| alternatives to animals in research, testing and education.
| Procter & Gamble is committed to the ultimate elimination of all animal
| testing. We believe the development of alternatives to animal testing
| makes good scientific, ethical and business sense.  We have invested
| nearly $100 million in the development of alternatives that are helping
| reduce, refine and replace the need for animal tests.
But for completeness, P&G does not use any dogs or cats in research but
does use ferrets along with a whole bunch of other types of critters.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
mailto:[log in to unmask]
[Moderator's note: I don't see Ronnie's post as an animal rights post.
She mentioned, that, for those who *choose* to care about animal testing,
P&G purchased Iams.  There was no lecture here about the good or evils of
it: P&G uses animals, some other companies do too, some others don't, at
least not directly.  Act as you wish with the info.  On the other hand, I
*do* agree that there is a real danger of getting so wrapped up in these
issues that I often do turn away posts attempting to preach about the
topic.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2828]