Hello Californians,
Recently a falling out among family members resulted in a visit from Fish
and Game for an east bay resident.  Though no ferrets were found in her
home, pictures of ferrets, samples from a vacuum, and many personal items
including social security forms were confiscated.  No charges have been
filed to date.
Now, an east bay veterinarian's office has been visited by wardens from
Fish and Game, presumably in connection with this case.  This represents a
new high in "ferret aggression" by the Department of Fish and Game (DFG).
I tell you this with the sincere hope that you don't dive under the
blankets and hide.  If you do, they win, you lose.
The survey is available for downloading and printing at
<ftp.plaid-jello.com/incoming/survey.html> or
I want each of you to print out and mail, along with a short, one page
letter of your own, to both your State Senator and State Assemblymember.
Let him or her know that this survey was done in 1996 with most responses
delivered to the department during that year and a few in 1997 yet it was
withheld from the legislature, the public and the media by the department
until late 1999 when it was obtained by ferret legalization supporters
through the Freedom of Information Act.
Why was it withheld?  DFG simply didn't like the answers given by all 50
Most states don't consider the question of feral ferrets even warrants
their time.  Yet our DFG knows better.  In the words of wildlife biologist,
Ron Jurek, these other states "don't know if any are there.  Some states
are unaware of a lot of things."  No doubt, Mr. Jurek, there are little
green men from Mars running about but we just haven't seen them yet.
Please read the survey carefully and in your own mind substitute dog or
cat, or horse or goat or pig or rabbit or burro for ferret and imagine the
answers.  Even the few stray ferrets found did not live more than a few
days outdoors (incredibly 15 states reported no strays, can you imagine
that!) I want you all to write a strong letter to your representatives
today.  Let him or her know that people in California are criminalized
for choosing the safest pet to the environment, and the Department of
Fish and Game knows it!  DFG is confiscating vacuum contents, harassing
veterinarians all over a domesticated pet that has more to fear from the
environment than the other way around.  This has to stop now!
If you don't know who represents you please visit our website at
http://www.ferretnews.org.  Click on Know Your Local Representative and
enter your zip code.  You should also send a copy of this survey and a one
page letter to the Governor, Gray Davis.  His address is:
Governor Davis
State Capitol
Sacramento, CA  95814
Please write your letters today!  Or, visit your representatives in person!
Jeanne Carley
Californians for Ferret Legalization
410 Mountain Home Road
Woodside, CA  94062
Jeanne Carley
Founder Californians for Ferret Legalization
Photographer and owner of The Ferret Company
[Posted in FML issue 2828]