The ferret turned out to be one with mitts and the boys let him loose in a
party and everyone freaked.  The next day the father of one of the boys who
is sort of a stuffed shirt chastised him for letting that "rodent" loose,
and the boy promptly corrected him, saying it was not a rodent but a
Chance, my Y2K ferret who keeps stashing food downstairs, says to tell
Dervish he wants to go into the salon business with her.  He stole some
nail polish and miniature shampoo bottles.  He is also ready to teach other
ferrets the art of self-defense; he stole my pepper spray and made several
nice teeth marks in the leather case that holds it.  Of course, he wasn't
too happy when I reclaimed these items, but there was no way he was keeping
that pepper spray.
Moxie and Chance
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[Posted in FML issue 2827]