Hey fellow ferret frieks!
My husband and I have now had Patch and Lily for almost 2 months.  Both
ferrets have gotten much better about using the two litter boxes when
running loose around the house and Lily has discovered ways to teleport
from inside the cage to the "forbidden rooms" (bedroom & laundry room).
A couple of Saturdays ago, I left early in the morning while my husband
still slept.  Shortly after I left, he heard someone knock over the bedroom
garbage...sure enough Lily had teleported from the cage.
Two mornings ago we were trying hard not to get up when we heard a noise
coming from the laundry room...sure enough Lily had teleported into the
laundry room and was playing in a bucket.
A little while back I was talking on the phone with my 4-year-old niece
and while telling her about how I have to keep the ferrets away from my
rodents, she started laughing.  I told her that ferrets would eat rodents,
but she didn't believe me.  She thought ferrets WERE rodents and didn't
think rodents ate rodents.  I tried to explain that ferrets are weasels,
but she doesn't know what a weasel is.  I doubt anyone told her that
ferrets are rodents, she probably just thought that all small, fuzzy
creatures are rodents.  She probably thinks rabbits are rodents.
Anyways, just thought I'd share my ferrets stories with you.
Deb Adams
(who laughs whenever she reads a message from Bob Church)
[Posted in FML issue 2827]