>But I did hang up completely convinced that this was not a good time to
>call my current home owners policy and tell them just how many pets I
>have.  They might drop me too.
>Anyone else out there have this experience???????????
>Terry Quinn
Terry, I must say that no home insurance representative has even bothered
to ask us how many pets we have, let alone set a limit.  But that may just
be us.  We use Geico now, used Nationwide before.  We've always had between
five and six pets total.
And, this is slightly off-topic, but there were two posts in a row
mentioning Rottweilers, with the implication that they are considered
vicious/dangerous, or at least that's what it sounded like, although I know
that the writers meant no offense (and in one case it was an insurance
agent's remark that was being passed on).  My sweet rescue Bella's feelings
are hurt--she considers herself a 90-pound lap-ferret! ;)  Isn't it ironic
that we cringe and protest when someone talks about how vicious our ferrets
are, but don't think twice about passing on the impression that some other
breed/type of other animal is vicious or unreliable.  Just as with ferrets
and pretty much every other type of pet, some _individual_ animals are
(generally due to maltreatment or discipline problems, and often
correctable with time and care), most aren't.  Not a criticism, really,
just an observation.
Best Regards (and prayers for those with ailing fuzzies and/or recent
Gail Shochet
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[Posted in FML issue 2850]