I had posted earlier that we are going to Canada with some ferrets.  Well,
we got the vet.  health check and certificate required to cross the border.
In doing so the vet.  weighed all three.  Butterscotch a jill weighed in at
2.5 lbs., and this after two litters this year!!!!  Houdini weighed in at
3lbs. 8oz.  and he is only 4 months old.  Whew!  One big boy.  The vet did
not really believe he was only 4 months old until she finished checking
him.  (I think that was just an excuse to get to hold him) :)  Anyway all
were healthy and we are almost ready to go.
Moonsong Ferrets bred to be the perfect companion
[Posted in FML issue 2849]