He sounds perfectly normal and healthy to me.  My girl loves to rub her
neck in the manner you described and seems to like to wipe her bottom after
so gets out of the litter box as well.  I have no idea the reason for
either, but she has been healthy and happy for 5 years and besides being
spoiled rotten I think she is pretty normal.  Unless it starts to become
a compulsive behavior I wouldn't worry about it :)
All ferrets have their own different personalities so you shouldn't expect
your new guy to act like the one you had previously (sorry to hear about
your loss).  It might take a bit more time, patience, and supervised play
before they get to know each other and become fast friends.  I wish you
tons of luck!
To all,
My girl, Daphne, has successfully recovered from surgery to remove a
squamous cell carcinoma in her mouth and just started on chemotherapy a
week ago.  She did better than I expected after the first treatment, but I
was wondering if anyone can give me any advice or information with what I
might can expect with successive treatments.  Thanks so much!!  Oh if you
do not mind, please email me privately because I often do not have time to
read through the messages on this list for days.
Hugs to all your fuzzies!
[log in to unmask] - best way to reach me :)
[Posted in FML issue 2849]