First off, condolences to all with the sick and the passed on.
I received an e-mail today that really makes me sad.  Judy Cooke has
decided to unsubscribe from our list.  Seems that the e-mails from the one
person have never stopped, and she has decided to just remove herself from
the list.  I find this beyond words.  Judy has been an invaluable source
of information (among many here on the FML) and laughter, and yes, a good
friend to many of us.  I've asked her to please not stop any contact with
me, as she is, after all, "Aunt Judy" to my fuzzies, and she has promised
she will.
She did ask that I inquire as to the person who uses the West End Animal
Hospital in Newbury, FL, account #4887.  She had sent a small donation to
help this person out, and would like the person's name so that she may
contact you and try to help you more.  Please e-mail me directly, and I
will get the message to her.
I know this list is all for ferrets, but must ask Skeeter to watch for my
Japanese Bobtail Cat, Dribble.  I lost Dribble this morning, Sunday,
October 3, at 1:10 am.  His breathing was labored and wet, and he had
become paralyzed in the hindquarters.  After a long, drawn out, stressful
conversation with the '24 hour emergency' vet here at the clinic I was
finally allowed to bring him in.  His heart had suddenly gone bad, his
lungs filled with fluid, and he'd developed an embolism that was cutting
off the blood flow to his hindquarters.  I had to make the decision to
allow him to pass to the Rainbow Bridge.  I held him, told him who to go
find.  After he had left us, his nose poured water from his lungs.  The
other cats miss him terribly, and the fuzzies are looking for him also.  He
was my big, fat, hairy foot warmer.  He loved to chase the fuzzbutts, and
they loved to chase him, too.  It boggled their little minds he had no
Skeeter, watch for him for me, will you?  He's white with brown tabby
markings on his head and tail.  He might try to chase you, or one of the
other fuzzies.  He thinks ferrets are really neat.  If you get cold, curl
up with him, will you-he's great for helping you keep warm and he loves to
play with your hair.
Rebecca and the extremely sad Crew of Merry Mayhem
Rebecca McFarlane
Basic Medical Sciences
School Veterinary Medicine
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN  47907-1246
Phone:   765-494-8632
Fax:     765-494-0781
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy and taste
 good with ketchup"
[Posted in FML issue 2824]