I have noticed lately that people have been talking about various
antibiotics.  baytril has been mentioned quite a bit.  The 3 or 4 times
I have had to use antibiotics this past year, My vet has prescribed
cephalexin, It appears to be a broad spectrum drug, though spendy, over
20 dollars for a weeks worth, my ferrets loved it, it is fruit flavored
and it seemed to do the trick.
It has been (was) my understanding that if a ferret is on pred.  that
carafate can be, should be (?) used in conjunction with the pred.  but my
vet told me, only if they are symptomatic of stomach ulcers,..because the
carafate adheres to the ulcers, if there are none, it passes through.  And
he tells me that IT DOES interfere with some of the absorption of pred.
just like pepto does.  Is he wrong?  is this just his opinion?  or a
medical fact?
June louis and the zoo
[Posted in FML issue 2843]