I attended an all day seminar today, and visited a Petco in Skokie,Ill. on
Toughy Ave. during lunch.  All the animals were in pine bedding.  I held
four of the baby ferrets.  All four were sneezing though they had only been
there two days.  The new manager was not in, and no one knew the animals
were in bedding that was potentially very bad for the animals.
Could someone-or ALL of you- please call them and ask if the bedding has
been changed yet?  I left a message about this at the store.  But the young
lady looked like she did not care.  I would appreciate if someone, or many
people could make sure these animals don't get sick like my Chewy.  He
still hacks, coughs, and needs to inhale his fine mist and take cough
It was just a lucky and expensive thing that he stayed alive to begin with.
Petco never took care of him when I saw him ill.  I was lied to when they
said the vet would see him and get him better.  A week later I found him
with a high fever, runny crusted eyes, and chronic permanent lung damage
out on the main floor being sold.
If even a few people called, or called the main head quarters- we might be
able to save the lives of these babies.
This Petco in Skokie is not near me and my Wolf has cancer growing on his
shoulder again.  I want to spend any time concentrating on making him
comfortable.  He has not got long now.
Thank you all for your love of these helpless little ones.
Please help these ferrets.  There are about 8 little ones there.
[Posted in FML issue 2843]