It's been a VERY long time since I last posted, but when I did, it was to
find out where to get Drenamin since my first ferret, Tracy was showing
adrenal symptoms.
I got the Drenamin and it really increased her energy (not that she needed
that boost).  It didn't do anything for her adrenal symptoms so I went
ahead and scheduled the surgery.  It was performed on October 5 (just over
2 weeks ago).
My vet is someoen I've known since she graduated vet school, so I've
assisted and watched several surgeries.  She allowed me to observe Tracy's
surgery as well.  Turned out Tracy had a very enlarged left adrenal.  It
was removed.  The exploratory on the rest of her was fine.  Then, to the
right adrenal.  It was enlarged too.  This was the first right adrenal my
vet had to deal with.  She got about 2/3 of it out.
I took Tracy home after the surgery.  She was pretty out of it for about 18
hours or so due to the torbugesic (pain killer) she was given toward the
end of surgery.  I kept her in a small cage separate from the other 5 and
she had a "lava bed" in her bed to lie on and keep warm.
She has recovered beautifully!  She began eating her regular food (TF) that
night.  72 hours post surgery, I put Cricket (my calmest ferret) in with
her to keep her company.  I removed the stiches after 10 days and put her
back in the big cage so all were together again.
She acts like nothing happened.  I couldn't have hoped for a better
recovery.  We just need the hair over the surgery site to grow back now!
The biopsy results came back too.  There was no cancer!  Yay!!
[Posted in FML issue 2841]