Hey all
Browsing about the internet this evening, I discovered the most remarkable
book.  I honestly know nothing about it beyond what is written in the
summary, but it sounds delightful!  Those of you interested in ferrety
fiction, visit
If for some reason, this link does not work, go to http://www.fatbrain.com
and search for the eMatter book called "Air Ferrets Aloft" by Richard Bach.
And, yes, this does appear to be written by The Richard Bach, author of
Illusions and Jonathan Livingston Seagull.
As it happens, Fat Brain is offering a $15.00 coupon good on purchases over
$25.00.  For details on the offer, visit
Disclaimer:  I am not affiliated with Fat Brain, Richard Bach, or any Air
Ferrets.  : )
Happy Reading!
Gina Hart/Sage Ferrets
Visit the Sage Ferrets web site at
[Posted in FML issue 2840]