Hi everyone,
My ferrets are now thinking collegiate and offer this trashing of a
familiar Alma Mater from Cornell.  I am sure this is only the beginning
and they will eventually offend most college grads in a similar way.  I
am posting this under duress.  I am sure you will understand.
Mary Cohen
To the tune of Cornell University's  Alma Mater
"Far Above Caiuga's Waters"
Up above our ferret condo,
There's a shelf with plants.
We can knock them down real easy,
Then go dig for ants.
    If you have things that you treasure,
    Better lock them up.
    You're collecting antique china?
    Oops!  There goes a cup!
We sure like your French lace curtains,
We can climb them fast.
Ten of us are now ascending,
How long will they last?
      You can't have nice things and ferrets,
      That's a dream you know.
      Is this wineglass really precious?
      Look out down below!
That's a real Renoir on canvas?
Must have cost a mint.
We'll just check it out to make sure.
Oh boy, now it's lint!
      Think about a simple lifestyle,
      Table, chair and bed.
      Objects d'arts are just some old stuff,
      We can break or shred!
[Posted in FML issue 2840]