You might try contacting the makers of Citricidal brand of GSE (grapefruit
seed extract) for lab.  result info.  Here is one quotation from the FDA
that I was able to find on a *commercial* site that sells GSE:
"Dr Louis Parish, M.D., as investigator for the Dept. of Health and Human
Services, Public Health Service, Food and Drug Administration, reported
that (grapefruit seed extract) " as effective as any other amoebicide
now available, perhaps more effective..." and, "It does not cause side
effects." Nearly 200 patients were treated for Entamoeba histolytica and
Giardia lamblia by Dr Parish and his associates over a two month period.
Dr. Parish went on to say, " (GSE) gives symptomatic relief more than
any other treatment."
The site has other info. on GSE and its uses, including usages in pets, if
you want to look at it.  I'd recommend calling the company for lab. results,
though; it does seem to indicate on the Web site that they are available.
- Ela
Ela Heyn
Harborside Mail Stop 3024
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[Posted in FML issue 2839]