I got some great reactions and comments to my post on Licensing and
qualifying owners of ferrets.  Many great points were raised, and issues
presented which is a perfect start to hammering out a plan for what we all
ultimately agree on, and that is a better life for those ferrets that may
fall into hands that will not or can not provide a healthy environment.
My suggestion for legislation was only a suggestion.  The comments raised
were exactly what I was seeking, pros and cons to that notion.  Can we
consider more public awareness like as was suggested, TV programs?  This
would be an excellent source of education.  After all, snakes, Llamas,
sheep, goats and all were mentioned in a response to me, and I have seen
all of these on TV where a good dialogue on these animals was voiced such
that I personaly know the basics of those animals, but have yet to see a
show on ferrets!  Hmmmmm.
And then there is always a Dear Abby/Ann Landers approach, certainly these
columns in the news papers get attention, and to the right crowd too.
But, why not you each create a column in you own local paper to talk about
your own experiences and by that let the public know of these wonderful
There are many alternatives to what we all agree on is a need to solve a
pressing problem.  THe suscribers of FML are great in sharing opinions,
experiences, and knowledge with each other.  We might seek to expand that
futrher out to other forums and I suggest the public at large.
Again, I welcome your comments.  Thanks!
Gordon Bengtson, Byte-me and Nibble-ed    :)     :<=    :<=
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[Posted in FML issue 2839]