Several years ago I was very involved in keeping a parrot.  This experience
showed me how many stupid people there were with money.  I watched two
young upwardly mobile professionals try to decide between two different
parrots ( a cockatoo and a macaw) each of which could live more than 50
years.  These birds have vastly different requirements and personalities.
The criteria used for choosing the bird?  Which one would match the wall
paper best.
The bird lists are full of people who buy $1000 to $2500 pets with no idea
how to care for them.
Licensing the ferrets is not the solution.  A little more money will not
cause education.  The desire to understand and provide the best for your
pet can not be motivated by money.  This is a sensitivity ("respect for all
living things") some are born with, some people have been taught.  Others
learn it on their own.  No one learns it because they have spent a $5.00
license fee.
Bruce R. Voorhees
Senior Engineer
SCH Technologies
895 Central Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Phone: 888-SCH-OPEN
Fax: 513-579-1064
[Posted in FML issue 2839]