1. I do not know anything about the legal status of the GLFA.
2. I do not know the laws of your state.
3. I'm not trying to pass judgment on anyone.
4. This is not legal advice.
I was hoping someone else would comment on this first.  In many states
including mine, raffles are considered to be gambling just like bingo, the
lottery, and video poker.  Gambling, including raffles, are a crime in many
states unless authorized by the state!  Therefore the raffle probably is
strictly regulated by state law.
In my state, generally raffles are legal if you are a 501(c)(3)
organization (tax-exempt) and have had that status for one full year
before applying for a license to conduct a bingo/raffle.  A non-profit
organization (state granted status) is *not* the same as 501(c)(3)
tax-exempt (federal granted) status.  Raffle tickets cannot be sold to
anyone under the age of 18.  (The list of rules goes on and on.)  And, as
with everything, there are exceptions to the law.
If you are holding a raffle to make money for your ferret organization
and it isn't legal, you might find that an auction will work.  They can
actually bring in more money and they are a blast to attend.  Sometimes the
bidding gets out of control and you end up paying (eg donating) more money
to your favorite cause than you anticipated.  But it is going to a good
I would suggest that anyone who is currently holding a raffle to benefit a
ferret shelter or oranization, or plans to hold a raffle should contact
your state Attorney General or Department of Justice.  The leadership of
every ferret organization has a duty the members and/or board of directors
to make sure that they are upholding the laws under which they operate.
Please make sure you are complying with the laws of *your* state.
[Posted in FML issue 2838]