Dear Lisette,
I can not begin to apologize for my attacking you.  I have been contacted
by many people who said that you were not referring to me when you said
"Not that long ago, someone wanted money for a sick ferret.  The person was
in desperate financial straights.  About 2 weeks later-guess what?  This
person brought home another ferret!!  Who wants to feel stupid for being
kind?  Not me.  But I would have if I had given that person money."
As you have read by my horrible note that was written in anger, I'm at my
wits end dealing with my situation in life currently.  When I read you
message, it sounded as if you were speaking of me and in anger I shot off
a reply.  I can say that that day had been pretty horrible for me, an
argument with my mother ("divorce him"), my husband's doctor calling to
discuss his condition and on going treatment, and a horrible deadline at
work that was quickly approaching and couldn't be avoided.  I know this
does not excuse the way I spoke but I am sincerely sorry for attacking you
and hope you can forgive me.
And to everyone reading this, I hope you have learned from my lesson, don't
react in anger till you know the whole situation.  I was guilty of jumping
when I should have looked and now regret my haste.
Lisette, again, I'm sorry.
[Posted in FML issue 2817]