I just received a call from Witty's Place, a small hospice home where Witty
resides.  Witty has just left us, his family and the Ferret Wise gang to
travel to greater places.  Witty was a special boy.  He survived several
families who passed him along before we helped locate his final loving
Witty arrived for his last shelter stay December 21, 1998.  He was on the
brink of death, starvation, his family was dividing, no time, no money for
food.  He entered FerretWise with another - Skittles who departed shortly
before he did.  Witty, rebounded from his severe starvation state with
love and nourishment.  However, within 3 weeks of admittance, Witty was
diagnosed with lymphoma and possibly kidney involvement.  He was placed in
hospice care shortly after with Susan and Jimmy and quickly stole their
hearts.  Witty loved to go out daily to dig he dug in the snow, in the
leaves, in the dirt.  A ferrets work was never done.  He recently was
playing with his dad- running under the hose dodging water droplets.  We
know it was his time, but gosh Witty we sure miss you big boy!  Play hard
in your new place where the rainbow meets the bridge.
Shelter Mom
and your family at Ferret Wise
[Posted in FML issue 2804]