Dooks to all,
First I would like to send out my sympathy to the recent losses here, it's
been a really hard week for many of you losing your little friends.  Lynn,
Michaela, and Michelle, my thoughts are with you tonight...
Carrie, I don't know if I was on here before you went into the hospital,
but I hope you are feeling better now, and hug your fuzzies tight and laugh
at their antics to help keep your mind off of waiting for test results-
ferrets are great medicine!
Tonia, that was a truly amazing story about your little Mysti rescuing
Bandit!!  Don't bashyourself for not being a good Mom, after all, you did
listen to her!!  Glad to hear Bandit is feeling better.  Just interested--
does Mysti seem to be closer to Bandit now?
Jill, why do you seem hesitant to get a rescue-ferret?  Hardly any have
problems, and if you adopt from a reputable shelter, most shelters would
never dream of adopting out a biter or a sick ferret if that is what you
are worried about.  Remember, most of the ferrets in shelters are there
because people either didn't know what they were getting into when they
first bought the kit, or the ferret's owners had a life crisis or change
which necessitated them being given up.  Very few ferrets have behavoral
problems, and again, a good shelter operator would work with these ferrets
before adopting them out.  Just something to think about...good luck in
your search.
Sunshine....I think by the tone of your posts regarding spending money on
care for your ferrets you mean "When is enough...enough?" It's a very
personal choice, but money should never be the deciding factor.  If you
can find a vet that you trust, the two of you then decide what would be
appropriate regarding pain, chances of recovery, lifespan, etc.  Each
ferret and each disease is individual, you know your own ferrets, and also
your own limit regarding how much you can nurse your pet, give it meds,
feed it etc.  The remarkable thing about ferrets,(besides everything
else<G>), is that theyhave an incredible ability to bounce back from
illness with just a little help from us.  The downside is without this
nursing care they tend to withdraw and lose interst in life.  Not sure why,
but it IS obvious from all the posts here on gravy and soup and supplements
that these do help!  Ferrets can go through extensive surgeries and make a
full recovery and really enjoy life a month after they were on death's
door.  Perhaps you've had bad experiences and heard stories of missed vet
diagnoses in the past, maybe going with a vet that you really admire and
trust will help when it's time for you to decide what to do if one of your
ferrets gets really ill.
Michele & the 8 fuzzbutts
[Posted in FML issue 2804]