Hi all,
Had to stop and post.  It seems that the poop just multiplies when I am not
looking.  <G>
First thank you to Jerry, Bev, and Laura who came over Saturday and helped
clean shelter rooms and do nails.  (Jerry is from Missouri folks!)  I won't
refuse any help any evening, or weekends.  (hint, hint, hint)
I'd like to thank Millie for the donation of Mc Donald beanie babies (the
complete set) FuzzieDad is handling the auction for them on ebay.  So bid
high and bid often.  (Don't I sound like a PBS fund raiser) (Thanks FD!)
I'd also like to thank Jerry and his lovely wife for giving three of the
ferrets a home, and helping to feed the "pigs" here.  15 to 20 lbs of feed
every other day.  Is that some sort of record?
Thanks to Phil and his wife from Elyria for the hammocks, ferretone,
cheweasels, fleece bell balls, ferrivite (you must have peeked in the
supply closet and saw we were a little low), litter and TF.
Thank you Linda Soule for all that you have done.  You are a guardian angel
for shelters.
Thank you to the shelters offering to take on some of these guys, but like
I said, I would like their next destination to be home.  Not just a
temporary one.  If I were in there place, I wouldn't want to be shuttled.
But if you know of anyone looking to adopt in the area, give out the number
here please.
I know I am forgetting someone, and I apologize, as soon as I remember you
will hear from me.
Hug the fur angels for me.
Ferrets Unlimited
[Posted in FML issue 2804]