I'm switching to a cell phone as part of the trip back to Phoenix,
303-257-3500..  It will take 3-4 weeks for the trip, depending on weather.
The more cold & snow, the sooner I flee Colorado!:) My other numbers will
go to my voice mail/pager system until I get back to Phoenix, then the
602 # will be on line again.
Here's the latest on Floyd, be sure to use the weather channel if
available, and notify/check shelters and friends you know of on the whole
Eastern Seaboard.  Here's the director's messages:
Dear Coordinators:
I have instructed Carla to bring us to DISASTER RESPONSE status.  Hurricane
Floyd will strike on the Eastern coast of the United states sometime
between Tuesday 9/14/99 & 9/15/99 - we must be prepared.  In that vein I
procured a storage shed (built to standards and able to withstand winds of
160mph) and have placed the majority of disaster supplies there.  I will
finish up the stocking tomorrow.
Gary Holowicki - please post a message to the FML list regarding our
Also I have received calls from some of the shelters in Southern and
Central Florida and have literally advised them to "Run while you can".
I am earnestly praying and hoping that this storm will go north and east
and not bother the U.S. at all.  Please all of you join me in this prayer.
Thank you
Chere McCoy
Director, Ferret Friends Disaster Response International
The above was sent to the FML on 9/12, I don't know why it was not posted.
[Moderator's note: Nope, never received it.  BIG]
     This email arrived today 9/13/99):
Dear Coordinators:
It will be somewhat difficult to reach me today so if you need to call me
please leave a message.  I am very busy moving everything I can into the
storage unit.  I am also going to take the computer to the storage unit but
will not have access to a phone line.  When there.  I will try to make sure
the computer is the last thing I move.  Will endeavor to keep all of you
informed of the situation as things progress.  Needless to say things are
very hectic here today.  Hurricane Floyd is expected in our area sometime
Tuesday or Wednesday.  As you are all aware he has reached Category 4
status and is 1mph short of a Category 5 Hurricane.  Please keep in touch
with the shelters you know of that are on the East Coast of the U.S.
Should the phones go I will call Gary Holowicki or Carla Almaraz and keep
them informed of the situation.
Thank you for your attention during this time
Chere McCoy
Director, Ferret Friends Disaster Response International
End alert/response message.
Gary here again;
It's also a good idea to start building your "emergency reserve", whether
it's for storms, power outages, or Y2K.  If you wait too long, the things
like generators won't be available.  I'm told by a supplier here that after
mid September generators won't be available from their distributor at all.
They locally have a policy now that no generator is returnable, except for
defect, if bought before 2/1/2000 !
Take care, hugs from us all:)
Gary & the gang of fur
Timmy's web site=<http://www.concentric.net/~Gferret/>; He's the
ferret totally healed from "terminal lymphoma" without drugs or
surgery. :)
Timmy's Mailing List = http://www.onelist.com/subscribe.cgi/TimmyFerret
Timmy's Forum = http://forums.delphi.com/m/main.asp?sigdir=TimmyFerret
[Posted in FML issue 2804]