>From:    Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Over sized ferrets!!
>Only seem to see this kind of ferret in pet stores now.  It seems that
>the private breeders are looking for size but seem to be overlooking the
>original body style of ferrets.  I have spoken to several vets that feel
>the slim, sleek ferrets are still the most healthy.  Come on breeders
>lets stick to the original ferrets.
Don't besmirch vets anonymously by claiming they are on your side.  Too
many people use anonymous calls to authority to back their opinions even
when their opinions have no basis in fact.  With no vet names I find it
hard to believe any vet is coming out stating that hormonally challenged
pets tore ferrets are healthier than those allowed to mature before
neutering.  Most vets we've talked to including Dr. Kawasaki seem to think
that their isn't a significant difference.  Those with an opinion are far
more likely to be bashing pet store early alters.  This is really getting
ridiculous how far people go to bash others.
Please learn a lot more about ferrets before attacking "private breeders".
You have it all twisted backwards.  What you see in pet stores are not
the original ferrets.  What most private breeders raise are.  The pet
store males are deprived of their hormones at a critical time in their
growth.  They end up looking more like female ferrets because they don't
have the opportunity to mature properly.  Polecats (and thus ferrets in
the end) are a creature that in the wild has mature females and mature
males in the wild end up in somewhat differening food niches.  THe males
are significantly larger than females and can thus prey on larger animals
to fill their needs.  This seems to be the evolutionary philosphy that
if they are in differeing food neiches they are not going to compete
against them selves and have a better chance of survival.
Some breeders do indeed specialize in ferrets that are diverging from
the polecat in different directions.  Some do go for the bulkier ferrets.
Soem for longer, some for different colors.  What ever.  Nothing wrong
with that really.
Again there is no reason to be anonymous in lashing out at everybody
unless you are unsure of yourself or just plain not 'fighting' fair.
>From:    Susan Malone <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Breeding Praactices
Quoting Judith...
>>We have always tried to do the right thing with our ferrets: best
>>accomodations, best food, toys and treats, exercise and play, even
>>for my breeders.
>Why... "even the breeders"?
My interpretation is that she is seperating herself from those that keep
their breeding ferrets isolated so much because of hormonal fighting that
the boys in particular never get play.  ITs just where you attach the
phrase... To just the exercise and play or to the whole list.
We're glad that you two also agree on with us on thinking that shelter
ferrets are quite often the best choice for first time ferret owners.
Not sure we're quite ready to buy into the 'have to adopt one from a
shelter before you can adopt a kit'.  But only because we don't believe
to strongly in absolute demands.  The thought behind it is great!
bill and diane
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
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[Posted in FML issue 2803]