I have two ferrets, a white one and the dark colored racoon faced colot.
What is proper nomenclature for those colors??
Second, Byte-me is a Marashall ferret, store bought and a year old.
Nibble-Ed is also from the same store, but 6 months younger.  Nibble
started out half the size of Byte-me, but is now fully twice the size of
her mate.  I worry much about Byte-me where she is so small, wieghing less
than or about a pound.  She has little body fat, can feel her ribs easily
when I pick her up.  She is active and eats well.  I feed them Purina
Kitten chow and mix with various ferret store bought foods.  Byte-me is
soooo sweet, will follow me all over the house, lays at my feet waiting
for my to move or give her a pat or two... She loves to get under the bed
spread on the water bed to sleep, and stays with me all night.  But I worry
about her petite size and all.
Is she normal?  Should I be concerned?  ( I am....)
I welcome all comments to [log in to unmask]  Thanks.
[Posted in FML issue 2803]