Hello all,
Good news and bad news,
First the good news.
Our fuzzies are staying home!!!  YEAH!!!!  Thank you so much for all your
responses.  I appreciate knowing that there are so many wonderful people
out there who care.  I apologize for my delay in responding to all of you.
Since my post, and reading all the responses, we decided to hold on to our
little loved ones.  The reality of giving them away really hit us hard when
we actually realized it could/would happen.  We have decided that they ARE
as much of a responsibility in our lives as our children...we were the ones
who picked them.  So thanks so much but no thanks...I will be leaning on
you guys for advice but not a home...
Now the bad news,
Unfortunately, since my post, one of our ferrets has developed health
problems.  He's one (there are two) that we rescued from PETCO (long story
for another time).  He has lost weight and has no energy.  First off, we
went to the vet ("small animal specialist") today and he said that he
thinks that Champ has lymphoma, a heart murmer, and possibly spleen
problems.  But I'm not quite sure I agree completly, he might have those
things, but that's not (IMHO) what made him sick.  I found an old piece
(days maybe) of poop in a bedding I thought was clean and it had a fuzz
like mold or something on it.  So I assumed that it was a bacterial
infection.  Because one of our other ferrets caught the same "bug", showed
the same exact symptoms, on the same day, and she's all better.  I'd been
given them both Biomox (from the regular vet from when we adopted Champ and
Mocha).  So I'm not quite sure I agree that Champ has all these things that
are making him sick.  I think (hoping) that he and Coco both caught a bug
and he just might have these other ailments that are hindering his quicker
recovery.  Today at the vet we got another antibiotic and some hi-cal
ferretvite stuff.  The vet recommended the antibiotics and that I forcefeed
him a little liquid diet of wet food, the hi-cal stuff, and water.  Also
using pedialyte to help keep him hydrated.  We have him separated from the
rest so he can get some sleep.  They miss him...they can see his crate from
their cage...poor kids!  So anyway, I'm trying to give him 10cc's of the
liquid stuff every 1-2 hours.  He's so weak...it's sad.  I'm glad that Coco
got better, I would feel terrible if the both of them got this sick at
once, my heart couldn't take it.
Well that's all for now...I have to get back to the little guy.  I'll keep
you posted.
Thanks again,
[Posted in FML issue 2802]