I hope I don't get anyone mad at me for this.  My family and I don't like
to see any animal suffer.  Why do you all go threw the expense for helping
the sick?  Don't get me wrong, we love all our ferret's, but spending
$1,000 or more just doesn't sound reasonable to me.  How do you know the
animal is not suffering?  Sure I have read many with Adrenal don't suffer,
but I really am not sure this is true.  Thanks for listening and I do love
them.  Just wondering why people spend so much on an animal... Money is not
as important as watching one suffer.  We had one put to sleep and this was
very hard on us all.  The day before I cried day and night.  Never did this
for any human being before.  She was dying and nothing I did helped..  In
fact, my mom had to take her in because I could not.  Thank God for moms.
If you need to flame, the delete key works.
[Posted in FML issue 2802]