Please bear with me while I ramble a bit before getting to the point...
Along with being a ferret owner with my wife, I'm also a tech student
studying machine tool technology.  For this semester, we need to design
something and next semester make it.
I was fooling around with a sort of adaptor plate that is supposed to snap
onto the side of a cage so you can plug your ferret tunnels into it (it
wasn't for the brand of cage we have, BTW).  When I tried to fit one of
our existing tubes (super-pet/ferretrail) into it, I realized they were
different makes.  The adaptor plate was for a different brand (funtels?
...lost the tag), which you insert then twist.  The superpet brand you
snap in.
It occured to me then....why not make a plastic injection mold for an
adaptor ring that would allow you to join these 2 brands?
I haven't worked out the details yet...not even sure its feasible since it
has to be kept fairly simple (for a mold), but would there be any interest
from other ferret owners intrested in mixing these brands of tubes??
I'm not aware of any other adaptor ring on the market.
[Posted in FML issue 2801]