Hello FMLers
I have a couple of problems.  First Casper had a thing on her back.  It was
the size of clay litter.  but when I pulled it it flaked like eggs from
fleas.  is that possible that a flea would make something that big?  I know
when my guys came back from TX they had fleas and we got frontline for them
and then Trooper came in and he had fleas so we got him some frontline.  I
gave Casper a bath I dont have flea shampoo but I did wash her real good so
if there was live fleas they would have gone down the drain.  I put what
little I had left of the frontline ( a drop or two) on the rest of the
ferrets.  Anything else I should do?
Plus I was holding Trooper and he yawned and I saw black on his back tooth.
What does a vet do about that?  do they pull the tooth or just clean it or
what.  I know with out seeing it its hard to say but maybe you can give me
some idea of what to expect.  E-mail me at home [log in to unmask] thanks so
much.  to all that have sick, or missing babies you have our prayers.
Lydia and the crew
Snickers the baby
Casper the fighter
Bubba the momma's boy
Smokey the king of the hill
Trooper the new kid on the block
Ossi and Isis @rainbow bridge
[Posted in FML issue 2801]