That is the one goofiest advertisement I have heard and I pick it as a
subject !!!
Anyway, I got an email some are asking what has happened to me.
I still exist I have close to 80 FML's to catch up on and everyone I
will be going through.  I am what one refers to right now as "gainfully"
employed.  I took very early retirement as my company was moving the
office I worked and then 1 1/2 yrs later they called me back to help out a
couple of months while they closed down some other offices - the new 2000
downsizing program, big company, etc......
I still have my 10, I am babysitting 16 of a friend's breeder ferrets,
trying to work to stop the bitting and give them a life outside the cage,
can't take cages, I am a "free spirit" - keeping the body going costs like
mad but the spirit is freefreefree.... so with the job, with raising the 12
year old grandkid and all the activies of school sports movies skating,
etc., and with a 3200 square foot house, horses, dogs cats, giant yard to
care for, just don't ask me if I know who I am, what maybe but not who.
Also expecting 3 to 5 in to babysit just anytime for a dear dear friend AND
one of the greatest little ladies I know, I call her an over grown little
ferret herself, not as if she has ferret face, but because when she smiles
her face lights up like any self respecting ferret who spies a grocery bag
entering the door.  Medical conditions are she will have brain surgery next
week.  Of hers, the 22, maybe about 10 or 12 will be here and these kids
are spoiled and definitely will have to have outtime, which the 16 above I
talked of, every day I make a load of 4 at a time through the house to the
ferret yard til all are out there and then 11 p.m.  4 at a time back to
their cages, having cleaned them while they are outside and twice a week
fresh linens, different toys and tunnels, vaccumed cages and and and.  Mine
have been divided and conquerored by putting up a plexiglas door between
the den and washroom, they line up each side and take turns expressing
their utmost appreciate of each other through the glass - I get to clean up
if I want to....
How did I got behind!  Plus, we are starting up a shelter and breeding
lines - have invested in some of the Flemming Farms and looking towards
getting some from out of the country in order to try to improve and make a
healthier strand because we have seen so much death and sickness in the
very short time we have done the shelter.  There are 3 of us and by having
us scattered locations in the Dallas/Ft Worth area, we figure we have a
better chance of surviving as this IS tough work.  BUT WE DO HAVE A COMBO
with lots of photos of those in the shelter, mama actually giving birth
(check in on the nursery) and how they are developing, the little mamas &
papas who are treated as pets (except during those times those "males" get
to really dosing up with the toiletwater again - tried telling them they
don't have to worry about attracting the girls, we will just tell the
girls they are great little guys but alas they feel they need to prepare
themselves).  (sure doesn't help when one is an odor freak to boot).  I
am still sane, I know I am.  But even these big boys need love, they just
don't know they stink.
There is a light at the end.  9/15 I get to retire again and I will get
back to my FML's, get the electricity restored, see if I can find someone
to add the room I plan onto the house designed for the stinkos when it is
"their time".  where they will have freedom to come and go outside at will
and not feel caged, even if they are.  I can't have them "marking territory
on the furniture" With this arrangement they can be in- side with the a/c
or outside in the dirt which ever they choose!
Don't give up on me.  "I'll be back"
Millie & her tired of batching and fixin their own meals Exploding Noble
Cleaning Crew
Easy Off: the most perfect ferret in the whole wide world
Ammonia:  (still listening for my darling to come home)
Cascade:  With all these strange noses around here, I am keeping my butt
          plopped right here.
Ajax:  Da, HEY GIRLY GIRLY, Looky what I can do, see me stand on one paw.
       HEY, Yohoo
Dizzy:  Hush up boy, they know in an instant what happend to you at the
        vets office.
Joy:  Never saw so many ears that need cleaning, I swear a sprite's job
      is never done
Prell:  There she goes again, taking on the whole world when its trying
        to get away from her.
Febreze: Here, take that and that, and here's another, Whop. Kapowie.
         Ajax watch this, I can hold this one up in the air with one paw.
Cheer:  Will you all just quit watching me, I mean where's the privacy,
        where's the room service around here.  How about this side, think
        I should turn this way?
Bottle Rocket:  Texas's is rather lively, sure would like to see it from
                a different angle than just on my back.
Bounce:  Oh Paw, get up and wressssle withs me, you're throwing the match,
         you ain't trying, give me some competition, Hey Daddddddddddy,
         come on, play with me somemore
           OUT OURSELVES.
[Posted in FML issue 2799]