Hi everyone!
i was TRYING to email everyone personally and thank them for the wonderful
advice on the chicken gravy...unfort, i let my mailbox get too full and
dear old hotmail deleted it when i was offline today... <sigh>
so here it is: a public thank you to EVEYRONE who wrote to me within the
past month that i foolishly didn't get around to responding to.  I lost
names and email info so if you are searching for info/discussing stuff like
ferret food, eggs raws and etc...please write me again.  I have the info
but i don't knwo who to send it to.  what a icky day this has been!
on a lighter note... i want to go to the pressconference tomorrow in NYC.
Anyway wanna send me more specific directions (like how to get htere b/c i
am clueless) and how long it is expected to go?
sorry i am a fool....Thank you everyone!!
Meagan Q in NY
with keera, fezzik and haggis
[Posted in FML issue 2799]