Hi, Tim and Darice!
Here are a couple of suggestions for your litter box dilemma:
1) Put some boxes (preferably higher than the litter box) on each side of
the litter box.
2) It's possible that the outside litter box has a lip that is just too
much work for them to get into.  Try putting something next to it (maybe
right on top of the area where they usually make their deposits) that is
lower than the edge of the litter box, so they can get in easier.
3) Place newspapers under the litter box and extend the papers out about
two feet on each side.  Be sure that the papers are at least 5 or 6 layers
thick, to prevent leak-through onto the rug.  Clean the papers often, to
prevent others from getting the idea that this is where to go.
4) If you aren't getting any success with the litter box, try newspapers
with litter *on* the paper, instead of in a box.  When using this method,
make sure you let the newspaper "ride up the wall" for several inches, to
keep them from pooping on the baseboards.  Use thumb tacks to keep the
paper up.  When the paper/litter is dirty, just remove the tacks and roll
up the paper.
Hope these ideas help.
My most sincerest sorrow for all fuzzies that have gone on to the rainbow
bridge.  I'm sure that Misti-Ferret and Silver Dude are keeping all of them
company and playing their little hearts out.  Part of my heart is there,
too, watching out for all of the cutest little creatures ever to grace this
Todd and the Fuzzbutt Rodeo Clowns.
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[Posted in FML issue 2798]