Hello, its been several months since i posted anything.  New job, new hours
and a litter of 4 healthy baby ferrets (7 weeks old) don't leave much extra
I read something about blind kits a few days ago and how mom had mastitas
(spelling?)  Having raised other livestock over the yrs, mastitas is caused
by infrequent nursing just like in humans.  In all of the yrs that we have
had babies (don't matter if it is ferrets, rabbits, goats etc...) has
mastitas caused blind kits.  If there is an issue with kits being blind it
is caused either by something genetic, injury, or neglect.  The reason I
say neglect is if the kits eyes are not opening on their own, they may
need YOUR help.  By helping them open their eyes..all it takes is a warm
washcloth and gently wiping their eye(s) until you help them along to open.
If they eye is swollen, then there is an infection and an eye anti-biotic
is needed to get rid of this infection.  There are several ointments and
powders available over the counter that can be purchased at either pet
shops or feed stores.
As in any breedings extra time is required to take care of the babies.  In
case of Ferrets it requires lots of extra time if you want healthy babies.
I spent a good extra hour each and every day taking care of our 4 kits.
They all get their ducksoup each morning, and yes I hand feed them.  They
get their cage cleaned out once a day, including washing the bedding and
washing out the litterbox.  They get their own time out (without mom) each
day, as she only tries to stash them in the tubes and they hate it.
Baby animals are always the cutest, just remember unless you are willing to
go the extra mile to take care of them... this may or may not be for you.
A Fuzzie owner and small breeder
[Posted in FML issue 2798]