Hey all,
My wife and I a planning to house 5 ferrets from out local ferret shelter
for a set period of time.
If everyone that has a full shelter in their area, could offer to house 1,
2 or (like us) 5 ferrets for short time (3 months is what we are looking
at), and refuse money for food, the ferret shelters could weather this
storm.  I know that alot of people already are at the landlord/spouses
ferret limit and I can understand that, but a heart to heart talk to the
person in question might just tug at some heartstrings and allow that
person to relent for the time in question.
We all should do our part (not to say most of us dont).  And this is
just one way we could help, and who knows, you might just fall in love
again... :)
Just my two cents worth...
Dwayne Miller
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Kim Miller
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George, Cinder, and Lick
[Posted in FML issue 2797]