I emailed Laura personally, but this might help someone else out there.  I
had an infestation of ants in my house also.  Knowing that pesticides are
out of the question, I went to my local feed store and asked for some
diamatious (?sp) Earth.  I took that and spread it where the ants were
coming in the house.  Two days later, I had no more ants.  This stuff was
so cheap, I got 5 lbs for $4.25.  Worked like a charm.  If you don't know
where they are coming in at, I would say put it all over the ground out
side of the house.  I live in AZ and the temps are still over 100 degrees,
when I got done spreading the DE it looked like a snow storm had struck the
front side of my house.
Hope this helps someone.
[Posted in FML issue 2797]