Hi and dooks to all the furkids !!
DAYNA - Regarding your post (With age ... ), <snif!>  How totally unfair of
you to make me cry like that <snif!!!>.  It was beautiful.  It reminds me
of two of my elders, Simon and Lacy (both 6).  Lacey was recovering from
adrenal surgery when she came into my life.  Both she and Simon were
cagemates at the Oregon Ferret Shelter.  Both needed some TLC.
I still occasionally cry when I watch them running around and dooking with
the other kids.  Lacey has a full coat of fur, and will occasionally run up
to steal treats from the other kids.  Simon kinda gets winded and needs his
naps now and then.  But both are very active and loving.
DFS - Dead Ferret Syndrome.  Gawd, how many times has that scared me.  To
reach into a cage and pick up a fert with no response.  Simon goes into
the coma sleep state.  Normally I'll put a little ferretone or Fuzzy Soup
on my finger to wake him up.  The worst was with my albino Sprite.  Picked
her up, held her, petted her - no response.  Put some ferretone under her
nose - no response.  Put some Nutrimalt under her nose - no response.
SCREAMED for my room-mate to start the car, put her in the carrier and...
<yawn!!!!  'What's up, dad???">.
My roomie thought I was nuts when I told him.  A few weeks later I showed
him with Simon.  Roomie admitted it would scare the ^&*#(@( out of him !
MUTTLEY TRISKADEKFERT - Triskadekaphobia <sp> - Fear of the number 13.
Going into a local Petco the other week, I was this rather unusual fert in
the display.  The face was that of a DEW with dark ruby eyes.  The forelegs
were all dark chocolate.  Sable markings with just a touch of cinnamon
thrown in.  White mitts on the paws, tan splotches on the head and neck.
Another shopper said, "What a motley looking thing", if it had been a dog,
it would have been a mutt.
Welcome into the Flurry <yeah, my phrase, "Business" just doesn't sound
right> MUTTLEY TRISKADEKFERT.  My 13th fert.  Very unique, kute, and
I happen to know very talented web page designer <smile>.  I hope that once
she is finished with some of the others she is working on, she will help me
get a page up to show off all the kids <G>.  Oh, Missy  . . . . . . . . .
An Animal Control Officer from another state (personal friend) calls you
asking how to catch an errant ferret who is hiding, My response:
1. Lay on the ground and act like a raisin,
2. Get down and hands and knees, bounce around going "dooka-dooka-dook"
<we practiced the language for 5 minutes on the phone, think people thought
we were crazy?????>
The dooks won over !!  Shy little fert came out to play with the AC
Officer.  I understand the little guy played with him for a few minutes
then let himself be picked up.  The owners (ferts, not AC Officers) claimed
him about an hour later.  <SMILE>.
Warm Fuzzies to all - Special hugs to all the furkids !!!!!
Kevin B and the Way Kewl Critter Crew
Featuring the ~~~Terrific~~~Tumultous~~~Twelve~~~  (PLUS 1)
Guest STAR - ~Fur-Angel Lady~
Cast Appearance by - Min-Pins Geordi and Jaida
Missing our friends - Kimo the Sumo Cat (and Honorary Fert) and fellow
ferts ~Petey~, ~Nibbler~, ~Max~, ~Romeo~, and ~Bandit~
Saying "Hey!" to ~Pandora~, ~Noser~ and the rest of the Tennessee Brat
Pack !!
[Posted in FML issue 2795]