So, my last ferret loved bananas, Coke, Dr. Pepper, and bubble gum-
flavored amoxicillin.  All given in moderation of course.  Now, here I
am with a different ferret, and I have tried every treat imaginable.....
Me:  "C'mon Grace, try this banana"
Grace:  "ACK!  Help, my hooman is trying to poison me!"
Me:  "Wanna raisin?"
Grace:  "YUK!  I'm gonna hurl!"
Me:  "Yummy apple?  Cooked chicken piece?  Cheweasel?  Egg yolk?"
Grace:  "Blech Blech!!  I'm outta's gross!"
  .....until a medium sized cockroach crawled across the floor.  With one
paw on the body she rips the head off and crunches away.  She looks up at
me, like "Yeah, now THAT's the stuff!  Yummy cockroach."
Sure.....I get the 'intellectually challenged' ferret.
Perfect, but challenged.
Grace - "Anyone got an infestation?  I'm for hire!"
Max - waiting patiently at the bridge for some bananas
Oscar - waiting at the bridge wanting bologna...gimme gimme
[Posted in FML issue 2794]