Hi Everyone,
I've been hearing alot about Feline Pine.  What exactly is it and is it
better than ferret litter?
I've found this cat litter, which is from recycled newspapers, but is
softer than the other ferret litters I've tried.  But, and more
importantly, there is NO smell at all.  I mean none, and I'll tell you (you
might not want to read this part if you're eating), I've stuck my nose in
her litter box and took a whiff.  Nada.  I couldn't believe it.  Usually, I
have to hold my breath when changing it (which is twice a day).  It's
called Kitty Soft Paper Cat Litter by AMPRO Industries.
Just wanted to share the "refreshing" news.
Lisa & Sunshine
[Posted in FML issue 2793]