An anonymous poster requested help in getting a fur kid used to a leash...
I've trained three to it so far. When I got Shiloh as a kit I had to wait
until she grew a little so that she would fill out the harness a little.
Then I started putting it on her for only very brief moments.  It took only
a few days to get her used to it.
The other two are both rescues. I put leashes on them and took them outside
immediately. As soon as they hit the grass they stopped struggling. I
suspect that the interesting scents they were following were more important
to them than getting rid of the monkey on their back.
Rather than wait until your ferret is leash trained to take it out, why
don't you do what I did and give it something to take its mind off of it?
This way your fuzz butt will equate the leash and harness w/ something
really great!
I suspect you could get the same effect w/ treats and ferretone if you are
determined to stay inside until the leash training is complete.
[Posted in FML issue 2793]